honoring our dreams; sharing our gifts


Remember when 2020 started and so many of us were like, “This is gonna be my year!!” We reflected on 2019, taking a deep look at all the ways we’re proud of ourselves and all the ways we want to push a little more. We tapped into our intuition and asked ourselves: how can I live a life more aligned? We set goals, we mapped out visions, we dreamt up our best selves and our best projects. We were determined to make it happen.

I was definitely one of those people. And amidst everything happening, I still am. 

In my 2020 vision, I committed to four areas:

  • explosive, transformative, nourishing creativity

  • intentional, meaningful, uplifting reconnection 

  • energetic, fluid, fierce body

  • further, deeper, truer soul alignment

This year felt particularly magical to me because I celebrated my golden birthday right before the New Year. Turning 29 on the 29th was the catalyst I needed to spring forward and fully live out “My Golden Year.” And so far, I’ve been doing pretty damn good. I co-hosted writing groups & book clubs with my sweetheart in our home with a beautiful, powerful group of people; I booked plane tickets to visit old friends & family, sprinkling in more intentional phone calls in between; I signed up for dance and yoga classes, committing each week to being present in my body; I continued to unpack and unfold in therapy, honoring my younger self and creating space for her to heal. 

I don’t want this pandemic to put a halt on all things gaining momentum in my life. I keep trying to find the balance. On one hand, I’m letting things go, allowing plans to change, shifting gears into moving slow. On the other hand, I know how easy it is for me to fall into old narratives, making up excuses to put my dreams on pause. Being the daughter and sister of people who struggle with substance abuse & mental illness, I have trouble letting myself dream because as the “healthy” one, I fight to remain grounded, logical, & disciplined. But I don’t want fear to override my dreams at this time, or any time for that matter, so I’m looking to stay true to what I promised myself before this all happened — my dream to share written stories with community.

I have published a small collection of short stories. I have also created hundreds of button pins and a handful of zines. In my 2020 vision, March was supposed to be the month that I share my gifts with my communities. And so here I am.

If you are interested in supporting my creative gifts, please reach out on my Contact page.

I can’t thank you enough if you decide to support my creativity. I promise to wash my hands real good before I send any packages. If you have a project that needs support, please let me know. Together we can lift each other up, providing the safety & support we need to thrive and keep our 2020 dreams -- and beyond -- alive. 

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